All Curated Videos

A Uniter Not A Divider!

Seth’s Bar Mitzvah, Sept. 4, 1993

On Sesame Street

A Book & Its Cover

Dido And Aeneas

The Berlusconi Series: Silvio Vs. The Victims

Sexual Reconnaissance, Drinking Out Of Cups

Testing The Beauty Of Brando

The Quintessential Song Of The 80s

On Nostalgia, Ironic Or Otherwise: Part 2

A Lesson In Handling Despair

The First One Not To Die

The Addictive Pornography Of Cute

Molière, Nomi & The Cold Genius

Wire Or Cloth?

Sarah Palin At The Republican Convention

Alone With A Friend In The Absence Of Hipness

Anatomy Of A Perfect Goal

Guy Debord’s Critique of Separation

Not Ghost But Trance

Thinking Death, Finding Jung

Paedophilic Antidote To Precious Parenting

The Way I Remember It

The Quintessential Song Of The 70s

Pete Seeger’s American Folk Treasures

Yesterday’s Tomorrows

Scenery As 9″ Heels & Leather Coat